I’ve travelled 70% of the way to the moon!

Or at least that’s what this cool new website, flightmemory.com, says.

This is a website where you enter all the details of your travels and it then spits-out maps and statistics for you. I totally got into this just being lazy today. Spent hours putting in my flights and travels, all from memory.

Then you start to remember trips you forgot! Like I vividly remember flying on Delta Airlines through Cincinnati once, and Northwest via Detroit — but I can’t remember what for!

*Highly* entertaining for an aviation/travel nerd such as myself.

View my Flight memory maps and stats here!

Highlights (And I’m far from complete!):

In Miles 167,658
In Kilometer 269,821
Earth Circumnavigation 6.73 x
Distance to the Moon 0.702 x
Distance to the Sun 0.0018 x
Total Airports 53
Total Airlines 16
Total Aircraft type 28
Total Routes 106

Total Countries 8

Oh yeaahhh…travel planning time!

I’m off as a traveller again!

Super excited — I just planned two cool trips. A short trip in December to the Bay Area to see some friends I haven’t seen in ages and then a fantastic trip to Paris in March — my favorite travel month.

I planned the trip to Paris first and then thought — crap, that’s 6 months away! I need a vacation to ease all that waiting…so I planned another.

Hopefully my friend Claire, who’s going back to school on the East coast, will be able to join me as it’s her spring break.

Pssst…I’m flying first class to Paris…yes, hate me…Bahahahaha!

Start saving bail for me now…

Just reserved tix to reunite with my best co-conspirator, Natalie, in Phoenix. So start saving for my bail money fund now ! We’re planning on taking a road trip through Arizona

Toronto Photos

So I’m home, and I’m slowly going through photos and writing a trip report. Most of the photos for Toronto are from the CN tower as it was a gorgeous day and any other photos look like any other city. I guess that is the noted curse of Toronto if the city has one — it can stand-in for any big city. And it often does in film. But what “general” city-ness it may have it makes-up for in general appeal. Toronto is a really nice city!

Anyways, more writings later, but Here’s the gallery

The CN Tower blows…

Or, puffs actually. This was funny — While visiting the CN Tower in Toronto they have those new security devices that are supposed to detect explosives. It puffs air from your feet to your head and then, I guess, is supposed to sniff for the chemical traces of a bomb.

It was pretty funny — most people were amused more than anything, I think the group think while standing in line was “yeah, right, this really works…” 🙂

And the air that blew out at you stank — as you’ll see by the reactions in this video of the sniffer in action!

What will they think of next…

Boston, Day 2

Walked all around again, concentrating on the South side this time. Cute, cute buildings and neighborhoods steeped in history. I’m sure someone will call me on this and say they have been all reconstructed, or somethig like that. So what. The character remains.

Seee the pics here!

I did arrive in Toronto this evening. Already have lots to say, but I am tired! Off to bed and then a jump-start for the morning!

OK. It’s cold.

OK, I admit. It’s cold. Rarely do you hear me say that, so soak it in, people! 🙂

First day in Boston — walked all around Boston Commons, then through some of downtown, Fanueuil Hall, the North End and back. I was basically a popsicle after this. So I’m back at the hotel with warm cocoa and taking hot shower. Ahh.

Here’s the photos so far!

Then it started to get windy and whoa! So I recorded a “Note to self” about traveling in Winter. Maybe sweating and perspiration in a hot climate is not so bad every once and a while.

Watch my confession (Warning: I’m a potty-mouth)

Welcome to Boston, care for some crack?

Greetings fellow life travellers — I have arrived in Boston. Flights were pretty good — Chicago to Boston was delayed, so I got in late. So I will hit the streets running tomorrow.

Obviously I had to venture out to get dinner once I checked in. I just settled on the local Rock Bottom. I know — unimaginative — but close to my hotel. My hotel is in the Theatre district of Boston — Anyways so I’m walking back from dinner (only about 3 blocks) and get asked for money. OK big deal. But this guy decides to tag along for the walk. He keeps yammering on and on. This guy was just wacked out — you know the ones — how you know they’re probably harmless and just on something… So I found this rather amusing. There were lots of other people around, 2 more blocks to the hotel — big deal. However, then he asks “So are you gay or straight?” I say “Sorry, not looking” — then he’s like “not that I care. I go both ways. Mr Big takes it up the @$$ and Mr Tiny loves the ladies” “Oh” I said, “OK, thanks!” Then he asks “So, you want an airplane ticket to the moon?!” I Asked “What airline?” He said “Crack pot airlines” and then laughed so hard I thought he was gonna just die right on the street there. I said “Nope, sorry” and he was actually surprisingly cordial and said “no problem” and by that time I was at my hotel.

So if you are looking for a crack-smoking bi-curious homeless Bostontonian I may have your man…

You just can’t make this shit up sometimes… 🙂